meg hott

I like when design serves the people. When communities and designers work together, they develop good solutions. Making design choices with integrity is important to me, so I try to incorporate conscious design methods. I have always believed in empathy and responsibility in my life and in my work, so inevitably I try to apply these beliefs to my design process. 

Engaging in the community and human centered design are important to me. Putting both at the center of my process, I design with creativity, critical thinking, empathy, and collaboration. Focusing on people leads to a clear understanding of where the true problem lies. This can lead to breakthrough designs that have a lasting impact. I find these values in Sheila Bretteville’s design approach and she inspires me. She is a designer whose work is focused on public art and communities. Brettville believes in the importance of feminist principles in graphic design, and she has a deep understanding of meaningful work and the impact it can make. Brettville’s values are something I strive for in my own work. I think this stems from how I am approaching life now. I want a deeper meaning and I am focused on living the full spectrum of human experience for myself. I have had the opportunity to work with mission driven organizations. Working alongside nonprofits and collaborating with them have given me incredible opportunities to deliver on my ideals. Looking forward, I hope to continue working in the nonprofit sector, not only to continue a renewed sense of purpose, but also to learn and grow from these organizations. I believe in giving the power to the people that I serve.

As designers, we learn that we are problem solvers, but our job is not solely about solving other people’s issues. Our job is to give people tools and access to solve their own problems. 

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